Yoga Therapy for Makers & Crafters

"I have experienced Yoga for Knitters with Jennifer on several occasions, when she emphasized exercises for back and shoulders. As an older spinner & knitter who has shoulder, wrist and hand injuries and surgeries, I found the exercises very helpful in using correct posture, stretching and other activities to relieve the postural and tension-inducing mistakes fiber artists tend to engage in. These exercises are utilized by me on a regular basis now."

- Fran S.

Blacksburg, VA


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Hi, I’m Jennifer

Hi! I'm Jennifer. I'm a Yoga Therapist, Knitting Instructor, Exercise Physiologist, and Posture Enthusiast.

I believe that correct posture can heal and prevent a lot of the pain caused by making & crafting. Even as a Yoga Therapist, I catch myself sitting in weird positions when I knit or do other crafty pursuits. As a self-described "Posture Enthusiast" & "Anatomy Geek", I infuse every class with education about the human body and how it works.

I have been a crafter my whole life, but never thought I had the patience to learn to knit. But after adopting our first son from foster care, I needed a craft that was portable and safe to have around the little ones. That's when I finally picked up needles and committed to learning. I believe that knitting, yoga & meditation are all skills that can be learned, and that with practice, you can learn just about anything! I believe that we're all innately creative-we just have to learn to trust ourselves!