Yoga practitioners meditate

Why Yoga for Knitters & Crafters?

As a knitting instructor, I often see students who ache in their necks & backs after sitting to knit. And as I've become more aware of this, I've noticed that it's true for almost all hand crafts. I created this course to help you NOT HURT! Yoga is often prescribed by physicians for pain relief, not just because of the beautiful stretches, but also because of the mind-body connection. In this course, you'll get both.

What's Included?

  • 3 downloadable 30-minute Yoga for Knitters & Crafters classes, yours to keep forever!
  • over 30 minutes of anatomy discussion, presented in a down-to-earth, easy to understand way that will help you understand why you hurt & how to work on feeling better.
  • meditations to help enhance your confidence, creativity & creative voice
  • an e-book, outlining the poses, safety considerations, tips to help you form a regular practice, other checklists & downloads!

Fran S., Blacksburg, VA

"I have experienced Yoga for Knitters with Jennifer on several occasions, when she emphasized exercises for back and shoulders. As an older spinner & knitter who has shoulder, wrist and hand injuries and surgeries, I found the exercises very helpful in using correct posture, stretching and other activities to relieve the postural and tension-inducing mistakes fiber artists tend to engage in. These exercises are utilized by me on a regular basis now."

Melinda B., Greeneville, TN

"Do yourself a favor, and take one of Jennifer's Yoga classes! Not only is her knowledge of Yoga seemingly boundless, but she is a born teacher. She has an amazing ability to lead the group while somehow also managing to tune into everyone's individual practice. I like to understand how things work, and Jennifer can succinctly explain to me what my stiff shoulder has to do with my hip while simultaneously keeping the class moving, suggesting a modification to someone else, and making everyone laugh and relax. And she makes it all seem effortless. I come away from her classes feeling like I've done something god, not just for my body, but for my mind and soul as well."

Heather G., Johnson City, TN

"Several weeks ago, I signed up to take a beginner knitting class with Jennifer at my local yarn shop. Never in a million years did really anticipate learning to actually knit in a four session class. Jennifer is by far the best instructor I've had for a hands-on technique oriented class. She has a talent for engaging the student through simple step by step instructions that's not overwhelming, and her personality is both patient and passionate. That passion for knitting is contagious and I have now signed up for additional classes. I'm able to stay engaged through her user intuitive website by accessing her online videos (which are fabulous!). I can't recommend her classes enough!"

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Your guide

Jennifer Chisam, MS, C-IAYT, RYT-500, YACEP

Jennifer comes to you with over 25 years of Exercise Physiology experience. Her degree gave her the anatomy foundation to understand the body. But it was really her years of watching bodies & teaching them movement application that gave her the insight she has today. Jennifer loves to teach, and it's evident in the energy she brings to the classroom.

Jennifer holds her son at his adoption